A follow-up consultation is an important step in your medicinal cannabis journey.
How often will I need a follow-up?
This depends on if you are new to us or have been using our products over the long term. Generally speaking, we require follow-up appointments in the following frequency:
Within the first 4 weeks of your first THC product and then 3 monthly after that.
Within the first 12 weeks of your first product then 3-6 monthly after that.
Specific Situations
Your doctor may require shorter or longer follow-up periods for you depending on your individual history and health concerns. Please discuss this with your doctor if you have any questions.
*If your product is not providing you the outcomes you were hoping for then a follow-up appointment is recommended to enable us to adjust your treatment plan.

Why is a Follow-Up Consultation Required?
- Patient care: Ensuring that your treatment plan is as affordable as possible and you are getting the most benefit from your product is important to us.
- Moving to THC: If you are considering using a THC containing product, we will ask you for a follow-up consultation. This is because THC is a different medicine to CBD and requires our doctor to prescribe it and ensure you understand how to use it correctly.
- Requesting more products: When you are requesting further products and we have not consulted with you recently, we may ask you to book in a follow-up. The New Zealand Medical Council requires our doctors to be up-to-date with your treatment progress before approving more products.
- Treatment Plan: If you feel that your symptom(s) are being managed very well, your doctor may approve you for a longer period of time without consulting. This can be up to six months for CBD products and three months for THC products. If you feel our request for a follow up is not required, please let us know.