How to get a CBD Oil Prescription in 2022

How to get a CBD Oil Prescription in 2022

Are you thinking about getting a prescription for CBD oil?

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Unfortunately, it is easier said than done. In this article, I will cover many important questions you may be wanting to ask.

Do You Need a CBD Oil Prescription in NZ?

Yes, CBD oil is a prescription-only medicine in NZ. This means the only way for you to legally obtain CBD oil is to have it prescribed by a doctor. Overseas you can buy CBD oil off the counter, but this is not the case yet in NZ. Having it prescribed by a doctor ensures you are receiving high quality and accurate medical advice.

How to get a CBD Oil Prescription in 2022

How to Get a Prescription for CBD in NZ?

1. Consult with your own doctor

One way to do this safely and legally, is to speak to your GP / doctor about this. Can doctors prescribe CBD Oil? Yes, but it could go either way! Your GP will either be open-minded and willing to listen, or they might be unwilling to prescribe. If your GP is open-minded, you are in luck! Keep talking about it. Once your GP provides you with a CBD oil prescription you can take it to be filled at your local pharmacy.

The main challenge for patients from my experience is getting that script from your GP in the first place! You will find many doctors are either unwilling to write the prescription for CBD oil , or they are ill-informed about its use. Itโ€™s not surprising when you think about it, as we are never taught or trained about CBD oil or medicinal cannabis. Make sure before you have your GP appointment you read my article about how to ask your doctor for CBD Oil.

2. Consult with the Cannabis Clinic and see an experienced cannabis doctor

How to get a CBD Oil Prescription in 2022

We exist to try & help those patients who have chronic and debilitating conditions, and whose previous treatments have not been effective. You are always welcome to consult with one of our doctors at the clinic to get advice about medicinal cannabis and find out if using such products may be suitable for you.

We employ open minded and experienced doctors who can help you through such a decision. We also are able to help you navigate your choices when it comes to the right product to prescribe in the market as we know what is available. With this knowledge, we also try help you save money to bring the costs of the products down.

Simply make a booking at a time and date that suits you!

How to get a CBD Oil Prescription in 2022

How Much Does it Cost to Get a CBD Oil Prescription?

The cost to get a CBD oil prescription is the cost of your doctorโ€™s appointment. If you consult with us here at the Cannabis Clinic, our prices start at $99. However, the initial consultation is only part of the overall cost.

It is the cost of products that will also need to keep in mind. Remember, every time you need a new prescription, there is a fee to pay with your GP (or even another appointment). That can accumulate to several hundred dollars per year.

The products themselves (CBD oil) usually start at $79 and can go all the way to $400, depending on their strength. For most people, CBD oil costs around $3-5 per day to use on a moderate daily dose.

Luckily, we know that the cost of CBD oil is a huge factor and we have writtenย an article about this specifically, showing you how to use the best products and save hundreds of dollars over the longer-term.

How to get a CBD Oil Prescription in 2022

Do You Need a Hemp Oil Prescription in NZ?

No, hemp oil also known as hemp seed oil does not require a prescription in NZ. Hemp oil is not medicinal at all and is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant. It is good as a dietary supplement for healthy fats or as a salad dressing and you can purchase it from your local supermarket.

How to get a CBD Oil Prescription in 2022

How About a THC Prescription?

Yes, THC can also be legally prescribed by a GP in NZ. You can learn all about THC prescriptions and products here.ย 

If you are considering medicinal cannabis for your health condition(s), it is important that you take a holistic view of medicinal cannabis. Although CBD oil is usually at the forefront of discussions, it is important to appreciate that a treatment plan may extend beyond CBD oil alone and incorporate the use of THC oil or dried cannabis flower.ย 

The specific combination of products prescribed depends on your specific situation, condition(s) and the severity of your symptoms.ย 


CBD oil is a prescription-only medication and any doctor can prescribe it, including your GP.ย If you are having difficulty getting a script, implement some of my top tips.

If you would like to speak to an experienced doctor about using CBD oil and medicinal cannabis, you can book in with us.

We hope you find this article about CBD oil prescription in NZ useful. Share with us any questions you may have, your story or recommendations. We look forward to hearing from you.ย 

Disclaimer โ€“ medicinal cannabis and CBD oil are unapproved medicines in NZ which means that there is no conclusive evidence for their effect, apart from Sativex. Many doctors do not routinely prescribe cannabis medicines. The above article was written for general educational purposes and does not intend to suggest that medicinal cannabis can be used to treat any health condition. Please consult with your healthcare provider. 

MBChB (Otago), BSc (Auckland) - As our tele-medicine doctor and author, Dr. Waseem keeps busy educating both patients and doctors about medicinal cannabis. He also consults with people from all over New Zealand, offering a listening ear and giving the most relevant advice.

16 thoughts on “How to get a CBD Oil Prescription in 2022

  1. Tina says:

    Hi I’ve recently finally got my 1st bottle of medical marijuana to try but I’m unsure if hemp or other as I was told it had THC. I’m taking 0.25ml 4xtimes a day and the brand is Tilray 25, which the chemist said is 1000mg 40ml bottle with 1ml THC – is that correct? Just about been on it for a month and found some days it works but definitely doesn’t stay in system for 8hrs as it says on Tilray site. I’m putting under my tongue etc. I feel takes up to to 60-90mins to work.

    I’ve had 8 back operations with extensive rods, bolts ended up chronic pain syndrome, and while I was at work in 2018, slipped on a ramp fell landed on my bottom and have damage organs,nerve damage and chronic pain in bottom area as more move etc or try sit pressure I fly off the radar, they did excessive test found now not broken coccyx but damaged and hurt the joint in-between. Started physio but as I said pain in coccyx area over above chronic pain that it stops me sleeping, eating etc.

    Now I’m ready to ask for another prescription but I want to know if there is a higher strength that actually works better than this as I find low dose isn’t enough. Obviously not cheap but willing try anything as I’m on high a class drugs with medication and I’m trying too cut those out and replace it possibly with medicated marijuana as not helping my organs high anti flams but no effects damages has organs to why I’m asking as I’m desperate.

    Just having 2 opinions before I ask my Dr as all this is new to him as he has only prescribed 3 people since legalization. Hope u might be able help please with options and possibly other brands possibly cheaper and easier to get through chemist as I got this prescription in March – finally chemist was only able access month ago.

  2. Jenjen says:

    Hi i have my hemp oil with me and applied it directly on my skin. I am afraid of taking it internally because it might appear positive in urine drugtest. I am using 0.3% thc hemp oil. Please i need advise if it is safe to take it internally sincenit has very less of thc? Thanks

    • Dr. Waseem Alzaher says:

      Hi Jenjen, thanks for the question. Hemp seed oil does not contain any CBD or THC. Make sure you are using an actual medicinal cannabis product. If the product is Hemp CBD oil with a low THC %, it is unlikely that the traces of THC will show up on a drug test. The best solution to avoid any concerns or worries is to purchase a CBD isolate or broad spectrum CBD, these contain 0% THC and there is no chance of a positive result. Prices start at $99. Hope this helps!

  3. Jared says:

    If I already know that my Doctor, (who is an Indian woman in her 70’s) is adverse to prescribing ANY cannabis products (mainly due to lack of research on her part), am I able to get a prescription from your clinic, obviously providing I meet the criteria??
    For me it’s about a number of things.. My anxiety, pain management, arthritic knees, and bodybuilding (which I have researched and concluded that CDB is basically custom made for..)

    Any suggestions? I also have concerns about (unfair) drug testing in the workplace as I mainly work in construction.


    • Dr. Waseem Alzaher says:

      Hi Jared, thanks for the question. I understand that your GP is reluctant. But the good news is that we can help. We have many people using it for the reasons you have mentioned, each in their unique way. There are no specific criteria you need to meet, we are all open minded professionals looking to help people like you. With CBD oil, there are no concerns about drug testing as it does not get picked up. Even if you needed more than CBD oil, we always write letters of support for employers and can advocate on your behalf. Hope this helps!

  4. Roena says:

    Hi Waseem Im adverse to prescrit pain releaf, I have a bone on bone painful, pending opp presently nil
    priority due to Chemo therapy. I had an opp to try a dropper of full spectrum Hemp extract, to my surprise it diminished my pain for approx 7 hours. The product was purchased off shore, I wud like to have access in NZ…i will try thru my GP initially but its heartening to know u are there.

    • Dr. Waseem Alzaher says:

      Hi Roena, thanks for the comment. Sorry to hear what you are going through. Medicinal cannabis can be great to help with pain and I am glad you found it to be helpful. Sometimes for pain we need to combine both CBD oil and THC to get the best effect. We would be happy to consult with you ourself or help you with your GP prescription. Let me know how you get on.

  5. Tina wells says:

    So if my son who lives with chronic pain caused by Tortion Dystonia goes to his own GP he can get a prescription for medicinal cannabis and script can be filled over pharmacy counter . I’m certain his own GP would come on board with this as she is very open minded and comes from either Germany or Holland . What is the cost of medicinal cannabis when script given by GP

  6. Janina says:

    Hi there,

    My husband is needing a knee replacement but they wonโ€™t do it as he is 38. He takes antiflam’s each day and anti-nausea pills has he has a sensitive stomach. We are looking at an alternative to this. If he was prescribed CBD oil will this affect him as a builder? Also will it come up in drug tests etc?


    • Dr. Waseem Alzaher says:

      Hi Janina, thanks for the question. It is tricky when your husband is young but already having knee issues that make him need a knee replacement! I think giving CBD oil and even CBD cream to rub on is a great idea. It does help ease pain and can also reduce inflammation. A drug test will not pick up on the use of CBD. For some people with pain, we do need to add in a tiny amount of THC but the latter does show positive. I suggest starting with CBD oil and seeing how he does on that for 4-8 weeks prior to making any changes or decisions. I hope this helps!

  7. Owen Christiansen says:

    Hi Waseem my name is Owen and for many years i have suffered from chronic pain. Recently after a visit to my local Medical centre i asked the Dr about prescibing me CBD oil he was not forthcoming and said its too expensive. He prescribed me Gabapentin which made me feel depressed and anxious and did nothing for the pain.I would really like to try CBD oil Can you help me

    • Cannabis Clinic says:

      Hi Owen, that sounds like a really tough situation to be dealing with daily! Unfortunately, many doctors are less educated about the potential benefits of medicinal cannabis for an extensive range of medical conditions or arenโ€™t yet confident enough to prescribe it. Medicinal cannabis does have a higher price point as it’s not subsidised by the government, and treatment plans with us start at $3 per day. We also support our patients fully if they choose to pursue some extra financial support. You can read about it here –

      We’d be more than happy to help you with the management of your chronic pain Owen. We’ve seen medicinal cannabis help many Kiwis with chronic pain and look forward to hearing from you. You can book your first consultation here โ€“

  8. Raewyn Walker says:

    Hi, I would love to try cbd oil as I have pain every day Iโ€™ve had a spinal fusion 7 years ago plus ruptured my archilles 3 years ago and my leg and foot constantly ache and my foot always feels hot but itโ€™s not to touch, i have osteoarthritis and have pain in my hand and have tennis elbow which is takes forever to heal, I havenโ€™t asked my doctor yet but intend to when I go next. Do you think Iโ€™d be eligible for the cbd oil

    • Cannabis Clinic says:

      Hi Raewyn, it definitely would be worth giving CBD oil a try to manage your medical conditions. We prescribe medicinal cannabis for people who experience mild to severe symptoms, as is legal by the NZ government. Best of luck with your doctor! If you find that they’re unwilling to prescribe CBD oil, book a consultation with us as sometimes GPs are less comfortable with prescribing medicinal cannabis. Our team of specialist doctors can get you the help you’re looking for.

  9. Dan says:

    Hi there, Iโ€™ve heard CBD oil can help with reducing Alcohol Use Disorder. Does the evidence you are aware of suggest this claim is accurate, and if so would this be a likely situation where medical CBD and or THC can be prescribed?

    • CJ Stoffberg says:

      Hi Dan, thank you for your question. We’d recommend reaching out to our team on 0800 223 645 about what would be the right fit for you.

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